Link is a Senior Studio Project

I set off to create furniture that would foster interaction and conversation in the post-covid environment.

Designed for Interaction

Link brings people together through intuitive seating and an interactive assembly process. Link is a series of bench units that fit inside themselves as well as stack and reflect each other, allowing for the users curate their own unique sitting configurations.

The playful assembly was inspired by the classic American children’s toy, Lincoln Logs. Comprised of quarter-circle modules to a form circular seating layouts. .

According to psychologists, sitting in in a circular formate is more likely to encourage conversation. Circle seating lacks hierarchy, empowering people to feel valued and comfortable sharing their ideas

Link’s stacking ability facilitates different levels of conversation.

During my research, psychologists Dr. Ferrendelli explained how seating height can impact the type of conversation we have.

The highest, barstool height seating at 3 tiers encourages light conversation with little commitment. One can easily come and go, half perched on the seat. Dr. Ferrendelli commented that her more anxious patients were more likely to engage in conversation in this seating formate.

Meanwhile, lower, deeper, seating at 1 and 2 tiers encourages serious conversation for a longer duration of time. Deeper seated positions are not so easy to get up and out of, offering a more comfortable and engaging position.

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